The leaves are changing colors, the air is beginning to have a distinct, cool nip and everywhere I go, I can’t seem to get the ever-present bushels of apples off my mind.

Of course, you can get apples year round, but there is truly no better time to bite into a fresh, crisp apple than fall. Somehow the fuzzy boots and cup of coffee in my hand seem to make it just that much more enjoyable.

Nobody has ever had to twist my arm to say I’m a fan of apple pie, apple dumplings or caramel apples.

But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized you have to start thinking about your health (whether you want to or not). And apples are great for you — maybe not the covered in caramel part —but, good for you, nonetheless.

For one, they provide soluble fiber, are packed with vitamins A and C and antioxidants and are also associated with a lower risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases.

As they say, an apple a day really does keep the doctor away.

But eating an actual apple (peel and all), a day — 365 days a year — can present a challenge. That was, until I discovered the game changer.

Article by Rachael Filkins Turner, The Daily Independent