PVM Partners
PVM is aligned with the top national and international agencies and organizations that provide added value and security to all our fruit brands. PVM, through Brandt’s Fruit Trees, is at the forefront of the fruit industry and values these working partnerships.
MV Napoleone & Co. Pty. Ltd.
Fruit Australia Pty. Ltd
Patagonian Fruits Trade S.A.
Agricola San Clemente Ltda (San Clemente) SA
Shennong Variety Management Limited (SVM)
European Union
Verband der Sudtiroler Obstgenossenschaften
Gen. landw. Gessellschaft (VOG) and VI.P Gen. landw. Gesselschaft (VI.P)
Perfect Fruits Trade Sp Z o.o.
Germany/ Switzerland/Austria / Benelux
Exklusive Hofsorten GmbH
Tobi Seeobst AG
Seven Star Fruits Private Limited
New Zealand
Gramor, Limited
Agronom-Sad Limited Liability Company
South Africa
WA-38 and WA-2 Commercialisation Company S.A
NY-1 & NY-2 Commercialisation Pty Ltd
The Associated International Group of Nurseries (A.I.G.N.®) is a global organization with members located in northern and southern Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, China, South Korea, South Africa, and North America.
A.I.G.N. is the first group of its kind in the nursery business and provides its members with the most up-to-date information on varieties available worldwide. It gives its member nurseries the opportunity to test promising selections from around the world. As a member of A.I.G.N., Brandt’s Fruit Trees is positioned on the inside track to new, exciting fruits.
When a testing variety from A.I.G.N.® becomes accepted in terms of fruit quality, production,

The Northwest Nursery Improvement Institute (NNII) is a strategic member-only group of Northwest nurseries that produce trees for the national tree fruit industry. This association not only provides the groundwork for evaluation and promotion of WSU varieties, it also forms the foundation by which these nurseries cooperatively solve problems of mutual interest.
For Brandt’s Fruit Trees, this allows our nursery access to member-only varieties, like the WA 38 (aka. Cosmic Crisp), to grow and distribute the new fruit and trees.
NNII does more than help its members propagate new fruit. The Institute studies to minimize the effects of bacteria, fungi, and viruses on tree production.

PVM uses all the latest technologies in the fruit industry, including a proprietary database that adds strength to the growing, tracking, and security processes for growers. The Hertha Database is an Internet accessible database designed to facilitate tracking, sales, IP management and evaluating varietals across any number of species. Its multi-tiered security make it the ideal platform to both maintain confidential varietal information as well as selectively share information with other users of the database.
Sales tracking allows growers to track where crops are planted via GPS coordinate recording and mapping, an important feature for both restricted and club varieties, and sales data can also be used for the tracking of royalties. Users can select among various types of evaluations to input, such as standard or UPOV, with each variety having different evaluation fields.

PVM built proprietary software, Idyia, which will assist all grower partners manage crops and deliver information easily to PVM and WSU. Idyia records sales of trees and products, returns data as required by WSU, tracks box sales, forecasts production of branded products, provides useful marketing information of varieties, and protects confidential and intellectual information.

The Associated International Group of Nurserymen (A.I.G.N.®) is an international organization and has members throughout northern and southern Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, China, South Africa and North America.
A.I.G.N. is the first group of its kind in the nursery business and provides its members with the most up-to-date information on varieties available worldwide. It gives its member nurseries the opportunity to test promising selections from around the world. As a member of A.I.G.N., Brandt’s Fruit Trees is positioned on the inside track to new, exciting fruits.
When a testing variety from A.I.G.N.® becomes accepted in terms of fruit quality, production and market acceptance in the U.S., it becomes part of the Brandt’s Fruit Trees family of varieties. And such a variety could spell success and profit.
The Northwest Nursery Improvement Institute (NNII) is a strategic member-only group of Northwest nurseries that produce trees for the national tree fruit industry. This association not only provides the groundwork for evaluation and promotion of WSU varieties, but it also forms the foundation by which these nurseries cooperatively solve problems of mutual interest.
For Brandt’s Fruit Trees, this allows our nursery access to member-only varieties, like the WA 38 (aka. Cosmic Crisp®), to grow and distribute the new fruit and trees.
NNII does more than help its members propagate new fruit. The Institute studies to minimize the effects of bacteria, fungi, and viruses on tree production.
The Hertha Database
PVM uses all the latest technologies in the fruit industry, including a proprietary database that adds strength to the growing, tracking, and security processes for growers. The Hertha™ Database is an Internet-accessible database designed to facilitate tracking, sales, IP management and evaluating varietals across any number of species. Its multi-tiered security makes it the ideal platform to both maintain confidential varietal information as well as selectively share information with other users of the database.
Sales tracking allows growers to track where crops are planted via GPS coordinate recording and mapping, an important feature for both restricted and club varieties, and sales data can also be used for the tracking of royalties. Users can select among various types of evaluations to input, such as standard or UPOV, with each variety having different evaluation fields.
Idyia – Proprietary Nursery Database
PVM built proprietary software, called Idyia, which will assist all grower partners to manage crops and deliver information easily to PVM and WSU. Idyia records sales of trees and products, returns data as required by WSU, tracks box sales, forecasts production of branded products, provides useful marketing information of varieties, and protects confidential and intellectual information.