Congratulations to the three first place Washington State winners in this year’s Pink Lady America program to make the world a whole lot pinker in its ‘Paint It Pink™’ contest with Sherwin-Williams®.

The winners of $1,000 each are Sandra Ellingsworth of Yakima, Carien Scarlett of Ellensburg and Chloe Kehn of Tacoma.

The contest was kicked off earlier in the year as Pink Lady America promoted the Paint It Pink™ in which contestants were simply asked to paint a scene pink around a related theme and include a Pink Lady® Apple or Apples. The scene was to be video-taped and subjected to a five-minute limit.

Sherwin-Williams® generously agreed to be a part of the Paint It Pink™ program by making available a special shade of Pink Lady Pink in more the 400 of its stores, including Columbia Paint & Coatings from coast to coast.