Technology has changed the game of protecting intellectual property and managing apple varieties. Growers can now use computers to track trees, production and sales through the entire growing and production process. Cosmic Crisp® is in the hands of Washington growers for the next ten years, an exclusive license that includes strict rules for how to plant and grow it.
Managing varieties as intellectual property helps maintain production control and apple quality and consistency. GIS mapping is one of the ways the Washington growers and ENZA are tracking plantings, acreage, densities, and rootstocks. Other companies use technology like drones and barcodes too.
For Cosmic Crisp®, PVM has launched new program, Idyia. This will give those involved with Cosmic Crisp®, the ability to track sales and production as well the ability to report their own data.
Even with advancements in technology, trust is still a major component of apple variety intellectual property. Shared information is a big part of that trust and varieties’ progress.