After 30 years, Washington state apple growers about to launch the biggest release of a new apple variety…ever. The Cosmic Crisp® will start appearing in Washington state orchards, with up to 12 million trees to be planted by 2020 and the first harvest in 2019.

The Cosmic Crisp® got its start in the 1980s when Dr. Bruce Barritt was hired by Washington State University (WSU) to develop better varieties than Red Delicious and Golden Delicious varieties.

How does the Cosmic Crisp® apple taste? “The apple has got great flavor,” says Stemilt Growers president, West Mathison. “The crunch is really consistent. There’s more strength in the connective tissue of the cells than the cell walls themselves, so your teeth break through the cells and flavor, and juice is released. It has a unique flavor – sweet but not too sweet.”

Read the original article in The Guardian, “Cosmic crisp – a new apple to get your teeth into.”