Taste Profile

A cross between a Splendour and Gala, the Sunrise Magic® apple has a crisp, sweet flavor with a moderate amount of acidity. The orange-red blush over a yellow background and conspicuous lenticels make it easily distinguishable from other cultivars. The fruit has outstanding texture, it is crisp and juicy, and loses very little firmness in storage or on the shelf.

Visit sunrisemagicapples.com to learn more…

Growing Attributes

  • Bright pinkish-red color
  • Conspicuous lenticels
  • The fruit is round and medium sized
  • Very attractive
  • Little russet or bitter pit
  • Harvests in late September to early October in Washington State

The Sunrise Magic® Name

Notably, in two separate consumer focus groups, the word “Sunrise” was chosen as the preferred brand name for the WA 2 apple variety for the exact same reasons. Consumers thought that Sunrise was a good fit because of the beautiful glowing color of the fruit, as well as the light, refreshing taste that made them think of having a nourishing start to their day.



WA 2 cv. apples were bred.


WA 2 cv. apple is released to growers for testing.


Some testing agreements were converted into commercial licenses.
After October 10th is the best harvest date for Washington State in the warmer regions.
After October 20th is the best harvesting window in cooler regions of Washington State.


On March 3rd, consumer evaluations took place at the River Park Shopping Mall in Spokane, WA.  Consumers were recruited from posters put up around the mall.

On February 23rd, consumer evaluations took place at WSU Pullman, WA where consumers were asked to score different attributes for WA 2 cv. apples (Sunrise Magic® brand apples) and Gala apples.