Taste Profile

RubyFrost® apples are sweet with a noteworthy “zing” in each crunch and have a moderate acidity. This branded beauty is globally known for its versatility as a snacking apple, and a flavorful ingredient for cooking a variety of recipes. A good source of Vitamin C, RubyFrost® brand apples are a cross of Braeburn and Autumn Crisp varieties.

Growing Attributes

  • Not prone to pre-harvest drop
  • Vigorous grower
  • Excellent storage and shelf life under regular air storage
  • Ripens later in the season

Industry Resources


About the RubyFrost® Brand

The RubyFrost® Brand apple was developed through Cornell University’s tree fruit breeding program which focuses on varieties that bring increased quality, shelf life and natural disease resistance to the market.

Licensing Information

Internationally (with the exception of China), PVM manages the commercialization of New York 2 sold under the trademark RubyFrost®. PVM is actively seeking Master Commercial Licensees to work with the growing, packing and selling of this new, fantastic apple brand known as RubyFrost®. PVM has placed Master Propagation Licensees in many production areas of the world. Present Licensees are listed here:

Country Company Contact Email Address
Australia The Australian Nurserymen’s Fruit Improvement Company Dr. Gavin Porter gavinporter@anfic.com.au Unit 3/2 Wills Street, North Lakes, QLD 4509 Australia
Argentina Los Alamos de Rosauer Juan Martin Rosauer juanmartin@larsa.com.ar AVDA ALEM 50, Cipoletti 8324, Argentina
Chile Viveros Requinoa Juan Enrique Concha juanconcha@viverosrequinoa.cl Victoria Suber Caseaux #323, Santiago, Chile
Greater Europe Rene Nicolai Nursery Florent Geerdens Florent.Geerdens@renenicolai.be Lindestraat, 22, Alken, 3570, Belgium
New Zealand New Zealand Fruit Tree Company John Morton john@johnmortonltd.co.nz P.O. Box 446 Hastings, New Zealand
Republic of South Africa TopFuit (Pty) Limited Rob Meihuzen robm@topfruit.co.za P.O. Box 73, Simondium, Western Cape, 7630, The Republic of South Africa
Republic of Korea KJ Orchard Kim Hee Jeung hjk@stasia.kr 06163, 201ho, 9-3 Bongeunsa-ro, 82 gil Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea